• Testimony - Genesis

This section will explore answers to the following questions ...

• Does the Book of Genesis matter?
• Is the Book of Genesis to be understood as literal history?
• Is there support for the Genesis record outside the Bible?
• Where can I learn more about the Book of Genesis?

Does the Book of Genesis matter? Perhaps you have heard people say, “With all the problems in today’s world, we really shouldn’t bother arguing about how it all began. We need to be concerned about the future, not the past.” Our world faces enormous problems - violence, war, crime, disease, famine, economic collapse, natural disasters, and much more. We’re seeing attacks on the sanctity of human life and attempts to redefine marriage. We have witnessed a decline in Christian values worldwide, but it’s perhaps most disappointing that the United States - a nation founded on Christian principles - is losing its Christian base at an alarming rate. It seems that the United States is rapidly becoming a pagan nation. It’s tempting to think that we should be fighting social issues and not waste time on “academic” topics like origins. But what if there is a connection between origins and all these social issues? I suggest that there is, in fact, a very strong connection. The social issues many Christians find distressing are not problems in themselves, but rather symptoms of an underlying root cause - the loss of biblical authority stemming from attacks on the book of Genesis. Christian values cannot exist in isolation; they only make sense in light of the history recorded in Genesis. So as society increasingly rejects Genesis in favor of evolution or an old-earth creation view, it is a natural consequence that we will experience the decline of Christian America. Where do Christian doctrines such as “marriage” originate? This doctrine goes back to Genesis. God instituted the family unit. He created Adam and then Eve from Adam’s side; and this was the first married couple. Genesis 2:24 tells us that this historic event is the reason for marriage. The Bible defines marriage as one man and one woman united in God for life. Jesus affirmed this in Matthew 19:4-6, and He quoted Genesis to prove His point. Without the foundational history in Genesis, marriage is reduced to simply a cultural trend - one that is subject to the shifting winds of human opinions and feelings. It’s not surprising that marriage is under attack today, since its foundation in Genesis is being undermined by evolutionary dogma. Likewise, the sanctity of human life, human freedom, laws, and justice - all of these have their foundation in the literal, historical understanding of Genesis. As more people reject biblical history, the more we will see the decay of Christianity. People will tend to act on what they believe. And the more people believe in evolution, the more they will behave as those who reject God as Creator.
Source: Does Genesis Really Matter? ICR, Jason Lisle, Ph.D.

The Relevance of Genesis (50:23)
Ken Ham
Is the Book of Genesis to be understood as literal history? Many have been misled into thinking that the Genesis account of creation is not actual history - when it is. But those who believe that there is a God, who created everything from nothing should have no problem believing in the inspiration of Scripture, and the revelation of God in Genesis as history, just as Jesus did.

Is Genesis Literal History? (48:29)
Dr. John MacArthur

The Genesis Record (47:58)
Dr. Henry M. Morris

Genesis - Real, Reliable, Historical
AIG, Dr. Andrew A. Snelling

15 Reasons to Take Genesis as History (Booklet)
Product Code: 00-1-536, Creation Ministries International (US)
PO Box 350, Powder Springs, GA 30127, (800) 6161-CMI

Is there support for the Genesis record outside the Bible? Ancient Chinese pictographs have been around for thousands of years. Clues in the picture symbols show that the earliest Chinese words must have included basic historical facts from Genesis when the symbols were invented. (http://www.icr.org/article/genesis-chinese-pictographs)

Chinese Pictographs (1:30)
ICR, That's A Fact

Chinese Pictographs Reveal Biblical History (59:50)
Pastor Kong Hee, City Harvest Church, Singapore, 2009

Genesis in Chinese Pictographs

The Bible In The Chinese Language

Where can I learn more about the Book of Genesis? Consider reading Genesis for yourself, and journal as you read. Summarize and write down questions you have. Do some research to find answers - perhaps you can start here:

Coming to Grips with Genesis (Book) 

(Biblical Authority and the Age of the Earth)
CBD Stock Number - WW515488, Christian Book Distributors (CBD)
140 Summit St., Peabody, MA 01960, 800-247-4784

Excerpts from the Book
Pg 194, “When yom is used with a numerical adjective it always restricts the meaning to a literal 24-hour day.” Pg 195, “The Day-Age Theory is impossible. It is grammatically and exegetically preposterous. Its only reason for existence is its allowance for the time needed by evolutionary geology and biology.”