• Genesis - Flood

This section will explore answers to the following questions ...

• What is Catastrophism?
• What is the best evidence for a Worldwide Flood?
• Why does nearly every culture have an account of a Worldwide Flood?
• Is there a timeline for the Worldwide Flood?
• Where did the Flood Waters go?
• What is Flood Geology?
• Where can I learn more about Noah’s Flood?

What is Catastrophism? 

Catastrophism is the theory that massive catastrophes occurred in earth's past, substantially altering the Earth and its life via mountain uplift, rapid deposition, and mass extinctions. According to creation scientists such an event did occur according to the Biblical account of the Global Flood in the time of Noah.
(Source: Creation Wiki, Catastrophism, http://creationwiki.org/Catastrophism)

Was Noah's Flood a Worldwide Catastrophe? (00:33)

Note: Many Evolutionists would claim that, “The present is the key to the past.” If that is true (for them) perhaps they ought to consider what happened in the present (Mount St. Helen's eruption, 1980) as a key to what happened in the past.

Mount St. Helen's and Catastrophism
Institute for Creation Research

Mount St. Helen's (1:32)
(DVD Trailer)

Mount St. Helen's (DVD)
Item Number: DMOSA2, Institute for Creation Research
P. O. Box 59029, Dallas, Texas 75229, 800-337-0375

Mount St. Helen's (Visitors Resource Packet)
(Creation Information Center)

Mount St. Helen's Creation Information Center
(The Seven Wonders Museum and Bookstore)
4749 Spirit Lake Highway, Silverlake , WA 98645
360-274-5737, www.creationism.org/sthelens

What is the best evidence for a Worldwide Flood? 
(Do you mean outside the Bible?)  

What would account for billions of dead things buried in rock layers all over the Earth? (A Worldwide Flood) What would account for fossils to be found on the tops of mountains?  (A Worldwide Flood) What would account for similar rock layers to be found all over the Earth? (A Worldwide Flood) What would account for large scale erosion effects (like the Grand Canyon) to be formed quickly? (A Worldwide Flood) What would account for God promising a rainbow in the sky as a sign?  (A promise to never again cause a World-Wide Flood)

The Worldwide Flood (1:00)

Creation Minute, Eric Hovind

Flood Evidences (4:39)
Dr. Andrew Snelling

Six of the Best Evidences for the Worldwide Flood
1. Sea creatures buried in the mountains all over the world
2. Rapidly buried plants and animals
(How do you fossilize a jellyfish slowly?)
3. Rapidly deposited rock layers all over the continents
4. Long transport distance of sediments
5. Rapid erosion through the rock layers
6. Whole rock layer sequences deposited rapidly

Why does nearly every culture have an account of a Worldwide Flood? (Maybe because it really happened) Did you know that many other cultures have passed down the story of Noah's flood for millennia? Native Americans, Babylonians, Grecians, and Egyptians are just a few of the many peoples with ancient global flood stories that included humans and animals that were spared aboard some kind of vessel. (Source:

Flood Stories From Around The Globe (00:36)

Flood Stories (1:29)
ICR, That's A Fact

Flood Initiation  (1:48)
AIG, Creation Museum

Is there a timeline for the Worldwide Flood? Using the Bible, well-documented historical events, and some math, we find that the Flood began approximately 4,359 years ago in the year 1656 AM or 2348 BC.
(Source: Timeline for the Flood,
AIG, David Wright, https://answersingenesis.org/bible-timeline/timeline-for-the-flood)

Genesis Flood Timeline

Creation - Flood - Abraham - Timeline

Where did the Flood Waters go?  

According to Evolutionist Bill Butler, “The greatest geologic fiction that the Creationists adhere to is Noah’s Flood” (2002). The idea that water ever covered the entire Earth, including the highest hills and mountains (Genesis 7:19-20), supposedly is unthinkable (and impossible). Evolutionists propose several questions when expressing their unbelief in the Noahic Flood. One such question was raised by Butler in his article, “Creationism = Willful Ignorance.” He asked: “If the earth’s surface were covered by an additional 29,000+ feet of water, how do you get rid of it?” If Mt. Everest reaches a height of over 29,000 feet, then the Bible allegedly indicates that the Flood waters reached even higher - approximately 23 feet higher than the peak of Mt. Everest (Genesis 7:20). If such is the case, where did all of the water go?

First, the Bible is more specific about who caused the waters to subside, than where exactly all of the waters went. Genesis 8:1,3 says, “God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters subsided…. And the waters receded continually from the earth.” Years later, the prophet Isaiah recorded how Jehovah compared a promise He made to Israel with His promise “that the waters of Noah would no longer cover the earth” (Isaiah 54:9). Although these passages do not tell us exactly where the waters went, for the Christian who believes that the Bible is God’s inspired Word, such revelation should be adequate - God did something with the Flood waters.

Second, the skeptic’s assertion (that there presently is not enough water on the Earth for there ever to have been the kind of flood described in Genesis 6-8) is based upon invalid assumptions. The truth is, we are unaware how high the mountains were in Noah’s day, nor do we know the depth of the ocean valleys. Thus, one cannot know how much water was on the Earth during the Noahic Flood. Psalm 104:6-8 indicates that, at some time in the past, God established new heights and depths for the Earth’s mountains and valleys. While directing his comments to Jehovah, the psalmist proclaimed: You covered it [the Earth-EL] with the deep as with a garment; the waters were standing above the mountains. At Your rebuke they fled, at the sound of Your thunder they hurried away. The mountains rose; the valleys sank down to the place which You established for them” (NASU)

Just as God miraculously altered the Earth’s topography during the creation week (Genesis 1:9-13), and just as He miraculously sent flood waters upon the Earth, it appears that God miraculously caused the waters to subside. In all likelihood, the antediluvian world was vastly different from the Earth of today (cf. 2 Peter 3:6). It seems probable (and reasonable to believe) that the mountains of Noah’s day were much smaller than, say, such peaks as Mt. Everest or Mt. McKinley that are so well known to us. Thus, the Flood did not have to rise to levels of 29,000+ feet to cover everything on the Earth. We know, according to the Scriptures, that the waters rose above the mountaintops; however, we simply cannot know the heights reached by the antediluvian mountains. (Interestingly, marine fossils have been found near the top of Mt. Everest.) Where did all of the Flood waters go? The most logical answer in light of the Scriptures appears to be that God made room for the waters by adjusting the Earth’s topography. Much of the water from the Flood likely has retreated into the deeper ocean trenches- valleys that, in places, are over seven miles deep.
(Source: https://www.apologeticspress.org/APContent.aspx?category=9&article=901&topic=61)
Reference: http://www.durangobill.com/Creationism.html)

Where did the Flood waters go?
Christian Answers

What is Flood Geology? Flood geology is the field of geology that deals with the effects of catastrophic flooding, and how such events have shaped geologic formations. Creation geology is based on the assumption that the Biblical flood described in the book of Genesis was a real and historical event of global magnitude, and is therefore also known as flood geology. Creation geologists seek primarily to show that Earth's geologic features are best interpreted within the scope of this Biblical cataclysm; including sedimentary strata, fossilization. Flood geology is a historical science that is premised on catastrophism and the rejection of uniformitarianism. Creation geologists develop models based upon the historicity of the global flood, which are testable and falsifiable. Flood geologists explain strata with reference to catastrophes like the eruption of Mount St. Helens, which carved out enormous canyons and laid down large amounts of rock strata within the space of a single day. Creation geologists reject radiometric dating because the idea of deep time (millions and billions of years) is required for the dates of rock layers to be accepted as real. Since the flood and the flood layers are known in creationism to be less than 5000 years old, computed old dates are completely irrelevant to any flood model. . 80% of the Earth's crust is covered by sedimentary rock. Sedimentary rocks are formed by deposition by water, wind or ice, precipitation from solution, and /or growth in position by organic processes (e.g., carbonate reefs). Layered rock strata are understood to have formed as suspended sediments settled out of moving water. Some flood geologists have proposed that a global flood is the most reasonable explanation for the means by which sedimentary layers came to cover so much of the continents. Strata Formation - Rapid deposition by mudflow. Flood geologists believe that rock strata are best understood as being rapidly deposited during the Global flood. They document their position with observations made at catastrophic events such as the eruption of the Mt. St. Helens volcano. During the eruption of Mt. St. Helens, stratified layers up to 400 feet thick formed as a result of landslides, pyroclastic flows, mudflows, etc. A deposit more than 25 feet in thickness, and containing upwards of 100 thin layers accumulated in just one day on June 12, 1980. Fossilization. The flood provided an excellent environment for the required quick burial of fossils. Preservation of complete animal or plant remains requires quick burial by sediments. Dead animals or plants which are not buried quickly decompose or are eaten before they can become preserved. Fossils are often found buried in hundreds of feet of solid, unbroken rock strata. Flood geologists infer that those rock strata were laid down in a relatively quick period, burying the organisms before they had time to decompose. Flood geologists point to the existence of large oil deposits as the result of the accumulation of large amounts of dead plant and animal matter during the flood which were subsequently compressed below the surface. They argue that there is no evidence of fossil fuels being formed today, or any clear mechanism for how it could occur without catastrophe. They argue that the flood provides the necessary catastrophe.  
(Source: Creation Wiki, Flood Geology, http://creationwiki.org/Flood_geology)

The Worldwide Flood - Geologic Evidences - Pt 1 (26:32)
(Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwGgSNDPhO0)
Dr. Andrew Snelling

The Worldwide Flood - Geologic Evidences - Pt 2 (26:32)
(Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMSSwoJFq-8)
Dr. Andrew Snelling

• Where can I learn more about the Genesis Flood?

Was There A Worldwide Flood? (4:41)
(Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEWh_ztI4z8)
One-Minute Apologist, Jason Jimenez

Noah's Flood Formed the Fossils (17:25)
(Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afMRHfKIuEs)
Creation Cadets

Fossils are Gospel Tracts from Noah’s Flood
(Source: http://creationtoday.org/fossils-are-gospel-tracts-from-noahs-flood)
Creation Today


Was There Really a Noah’s Ark & Flood?
(Source: https://answersingenesis.org/the-flood/global/was-there-really-a-noahs-ark-flood)

Where Would You Expect to Find Flood Fossils?
(Source: https://www.apologeticspress.org/APContent.aspx?category=9&article=2526&topic=61)
Apologetics Press

Flood Evidence from Wyoming
(Source: https://www.apologeticspress.org/apPubPage.aspx?pub=2&issue=1170)
Apologetics Press

Was Noah's flood global or local?
(Source: http://www.gotquestions.org/global-flood.html)

Got Questions

The Genesis Flood - Fact or Fiction (Booklet)
(Source: http://usstore.creation.com/catalog/genesis-flood-fact-fiction-p-14.html)
CMI, Product Code: 00-1-507, Creation Ministries International (US)
PO Box 350, Powder Springs, GA 30127, (800) 616-1264

A Pocket Guide to The Global Flood (Book)
(Source: http://www.christianbook.com/pocket-guide-to-the-global-flood/9781600922640/pd/922640?event=ESRCG)
CBD Stock No: WW922640, Christian Book Distributors (CBD)
140 Summit St., Peabody, MA 01960, 800-247-4784