• Two Models

This section will explore answers to the following questions ...
What is a Worldview? (Definition)
Is the Biblical Worldview logical?
Do we have a Worldview based on God’s testimony (or man’s)?
How can we help our children develop a Biblical Worldview?
Sharing with others
Consequences of Commitment to the Evolutionary Worldview
Learning more about Worldviews

What is a Worldview? (Definition)
A worldview may be defined as an outlook on life, or a view of the world derived from a philosophical axiom or presupposition. There are two basic worldviews, each with its own underlying assumptions. One system of thought has natural processes alone as its basis, the other, creation by God. These worldviews are becoming increasingly polarized due to the increased emphasis on teaching evolution in public schools with the exclusion of any opposing viewpoint. Also contributing is the generally one-sided approach taken by the popular media, which marginalizes other viewpoints.
(Source: http://www.creationwiki.org/Worldview)

Illustration - A Worldview is like a pair of Glasses
If we were to put on a pair of “glasses” with a blue tint everything we looked at would have this tint. Whether we are aware of it or not - we view the world through a pair of “glasses” or worldview. A reliable worldview should provide the correct “prescription” for making sense of the real world. Those who share their faith with others may not be aware that evidence on its own will not convince someone who is wearing “anti-faith” glasses. We need to find a way to encourage the other person take off their glasses for a moment, or at least warn them that their “prescription” is harmful, and has eternal consequences.

Discussion. When is the last time you examined your worldview? A reliable worldview should answer the following questions … How can we know what truth is? What is right and wrong? Why are we here? Do we have purpose? Where are we going when we are not here? Why is there evil and suffering in the world?
Suggestion. If your worldview doesn’t provide answers to those questions - perhaps its time to trade in your worldview for one that does.

Video - Worldview (3:56)
(Source: https://answersingenesis.org/worldview)

Video - Two Different Worldviews (4:34)
(Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDiF84ZU5EQ)

Is the Biblical Worldview logical?
Many people have the impression that those who follow the Bible’s teachings (Christians) live in two “worlds” - the world of faith and the world of reason. The world of faith is the realm that Christians live in on Sunday morning, or the world to which they refer when asked about spiritual or moral matters. However, it would seem that Christians live in the world of reason throughout the rest of the week, when dealing with practical, everyday matters. After all, do we really need to believe in the Bible to put gasoline in the car, or to balance our checkbook?

Misconceptions of Faith.
The notion of “faith versus reason” is an example of a false dichotomy. Faith is not antagonistic to reason. On the contrary, biblical faith and reason go well together. The problem lies in the fact that many people have a misunderstanding of faith. Faith is not a belief in the absurd, nor is it a belief in something simply for the sake of believing it. Rather, faith is having confidence in something that we have not perceived with the senses. This is the biblical definition of faith, and follows from Hebrews 11:1. Whenever we have confidence in something that we cannot see, hear, taste, smell, or touch, we are acting upon a type of faith. All people have faith, even if it is not a saving faith in God.

For example, people believe in laws of logic. However, laws of logic are not material. They are abstract and cannot be experienced by the senses. We can write down a law of logic such as the law of non-contradiction (“It is impossible to have A and not A at the same time and in the same relationship.”), but the sentence is only a physical representation of the law, not the law itself.1 When people use laws of logic, they have confidence in something they cannot actually observe with the senses; this is a type of faith. (Note. Can we order a pound of logic in the store? Can we experiment on logic in a test tube?)

Reason and Faith.
When we have confidence that the universe will operate in the future as it has in the past, we are acting on faith. For example, we all presume that gravity will work the same next Friday as it does today. But no one has actually observed the future. So we all believe in something that goes beyond sensory experience. From a Christian perspective, this is a very reasonable belief. God (who is beyond time) has promised us that He will uphold the universe in a consistent way (e.g., Genesis 8:22). So we have a good reason for our faith in the uniformity of nature. For the consistent Christian, reason and faith go well together. (Source: https://answersingenesis.org/logic/is-the-christian-worldview-logical)

Do we have a Worldview (Model of Origins) based on God’s testimony (or man’s)? What is your worldview?

There are two ways to look at this world.
Some people look at the world and think, “Amazing! A Big Bang made this world from nothing!” This is the humanist worldview based on the evolution theory. Other people look at the world and think, “There is incredible design. There must be a smart Designer.” This is the creationist worldview based on the biblical account of creation. God is God and judges all men. Both of these worldviews have the same evidence on which to base their conclusions. However, they are looking at the evidence from two very different starting points. There are only two starting points for our worldviews. One is man’s word and the other is God’s word. Either man’s word is truth or God’s word is truth. Problems arise when you take man’s fallible ideas, philosophies, and theories and try to make them fit into the infallible, inspired, inerrant word of the living God. As followers of Christ we need to start with the Bible, put on our biblical glasses and view the world from that perspective. (Source: http://www.truthingenesis.com/2013/01/02/creation-and-evolution-two-very-different-worldviews)

How can we help our children develop a Biblical Worldview?
The Bible teaches that parents are primarily responsible for the education of children (Deuteronomy 6:4–9; Ephesians 6:4). Whether sending them to public school, private school or choosing to home-school, it is vital that children are given a biblical worldview. It is important that they see their parents reading the Bible and consulting it when making decisions. Parents should read it to their children and have family devotions centered on it. They should also talk about and critique movies, television programs, books or even sermons that conflict with a biblical worldview, while they also provide materials that reinforce a biblical worldview. 
(Source: https://answersingenesis.org/train-up-a-child/raising-godly-children/developing-a-biblical-worldview-in-our-children)

Sharing with others we can ask ...
“Do you think were are here on purpose (Creation) or accident (Darwinism, Naturalism, Evolution)? “Are you willing to discuss how you came to have your Worldview, and the reasons for it?” 

What are the Consequences of Commitment to the Evolutionary Worldview? Are you absolutely committed to the Evolutionary Worldview? Even if there is evidence against it, even if it violates the laws of science, and even if there are scientists that have publicly debunked it? If so, then all I can do is kindly warn you. There are consequences for what we believe. You will meet the God you refuse to believe in. You won’t be ready for that day of meeting. It’s called the Day of Judgment for a reason. Everyone has broken God laws, but those who have personally accepted God’s solution for breaking His laws will receive justice. Justice does not include Heaven. You might want to reconsider your commitment, the following Bible verse, and the consequence it warns us about. “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23, NKJV) Which would you rather have, the gift or the wage?

Learn more about Worldviews here ...

Video - Worldview (3:56)
(Source: https://answersingenesis.org/worldview)
Video - Two Different Worldviews (4:34)
(Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDiF84ZU5EQ)

Book - War of the Worldviews
(Source: https://answersingenesis.org/store/product/war-worldviews/?sku=10-2-204)
SKU: 10-1-507, Answers in Genesis, PO Box 510, Hebron, KY 41048, 800-778-3390
Book - Scientific Creationism 
(Comparing the Two Models - Worldviews)
(Source: http://www.christianbook.com/scientific-creationism-henry-morris/9780890510032/pd/0510032?event=ESRCN)
Dr. Henry M. Morris, CBD Stock No: WW0510032, Christian Book Distributors (CBD), 140 Summit St., Peabody, MA 01960, 800-247-4784