• Testimony - Universe

This section will explore answers to the following questions ...

• According to the Bible what day of creation week was the Universe created?
• How can something come from nothing?
• Is there evidence of design in the Universe?
• Do explosions create or destroy?
• How do some scientists come up with the age of the age of the Universe/Solar System?
• Where can I learn more about the Universe & Solar System?

According to the Bible what day of creation week was the Universe created? Creation Day 4 (Genesis 1:14-19) God creates all the stars and heavenly bodies. The movement of these will help man track time. Two great heavenly bodies are made in relation to the earth. The first is the sun which is the primary source of light and the moon which reflects the light of the sun. The movement of these bodies will distinguish day from night. This work is also declared to be good by God. This creative work takes one day.

How can something come from nothing? (If you are an Evolutionist - please explain using only natural processes that we see today. No supernatural methods are allowed.)

Illustration - Piggy Bank. Imagine an empty piggy bank. Now tape up all the openings and put it in a locked room for a day. Would you expect to come back and find any money in it? No we all know something can’t come from nothing. (Just like an empty refrigerator isn’t going to magically refill itself.) Now let’s say we allow a week to go by - will there be any money? Nope. A month?  Nope.  A Year? Nope. 10 years? Nope. 50 years? Nope. Now let’s image a million years, should we expect anything. No. The amount of time makes no difference. If there is nothing to start with there will be nothing now. Okay let’s make the “piggy bank” a little larger - say the size of a Universe. If there was nothing in the beginning - there would still be nothing now, no matter how much time we allow – unless you are allowing the supernatural - like God. (Once again if you are an Evolutionist you cant allow any “magical cause.”)

Kids. You can try this as an experiment for yourself. Get mom and dad to get you a piggy bank, tap it up and observe the results for a day, week, month, and year. Record your findings in a journal. You can use this information in a class presentation school. 

Piggy bank source:  The Container Store, 500 Freeport Parkway, Coppell, TX 75019
888-266-8246, Piggy Bank Clear, 10031236, $5.99 ea, 6-1/2" x 4-1/4" x 4-1/2" h

Is there evidence of design in the Universe? Yes. But evidence won't convince those who have already made up their minds.

Illustration - Origin of the Coke
® Can. Let's consider an interesting theory where the Coke® can came from. Billions of years ago, an incredibly big bang occurred, it came from nothing and from nowhere, but it created a massive rock in space. As this rock cooled a brown sweet bubbly liquid formed on its surface. As time passed aluminum came up from a crack in the rock and formed itself into a can, made a lid, then a pull-tab on the top of the lid. Billions of years later, red and white paint fell from the sky and clung to the can … forming into the words, “Coca-Cola Classic® original formula, 12 fl. oz.” If someone tried to convince you that this story was true you might feel insulted (and rightly so). We know that a Coke® can is designed, the “words” just didn't form themselves onto the can by accident. There was a cause, there was design, and therefore there must be a designer. The alternative - that everything happened by accident - is unreasonable and illogical - no one should believe it. What chance would anyone have of convincing you that the words you are reading right now just happened by accident, that ink just “fell” from the sky and formed itself onto the page in a form that you could read?   When we look at a building, how do we know that there was a builder? We can't see him, hear him, touch, taste, or smell him. Of course the building is solid evidence that there is builder. In fact we don't need better “evidence” that there was a builder because we have the building right in front of us. When we look at a painting how do we know that there was a painter? The painting itself is evidence that there is a painter. What evidence should convince us that He exists? We can't see Him, hear Him, or touch Him. We don't need any better evidence than observing “design” in front of us. Let’s consider another example - the Universe - which scientists tell us is expanding. If we were to rewind the Universe like an old movie it would stop expanding and get smaller and smaller until it disappeared. Now there would be nothing.  So we are left with the question, “how can something come from nothing?” The answer is it can’t. There must be a Cause. And this “Cause” must have the ability to create things more complex than a building, a painting, or a Coke® can. (Coke®, Coca-Cola Classic® are registered trademarks of the Coca-Cola Corporation, all rights reserved.)
Illustration - Origins of the Universe. Anyone wanting evidence of Design/a Designer or Creation/a Creator need look no further than the example of the Universe. Logically there are only three options to explain the existence of the Universe. They are…

One - it has always been.
Two - it came into existence by itself.
Three - it was created.

The first option, that the Universe is eternal, has been utterly rejected by the scientific community. The motion of the galaxies, the background radiation echo, and the red shift are several facts that science has discovered indicating that that the Universe is expanding, and that it sprang into existence at a particular point in the past.

Option two, that the Universe created itself, is logically impossible. A non-existent Universe could not have done anything. It did not exist. Illustration. Imagine an empty room. No furniture no lights, only the bare walls and floor. Now close the door and windows and seal them shut. Then remove the air from the room along with any microscopic particles. What’s left? A dark empty room - with nothing in it. Wait a week. What’s in the room? Nothing. Wait a month, a year, several years. What’s in the room? Still nothing. If we wait a million years what’s in the room? Still nothing. Now make this “room” a little bigger, say the size of the Universe. There’s nothing in it. If we were to wait a million years would there be anything in this “empty room?” No. Option one and two can be dismissed on scientific and logical grounds.

Option three - a “Cause” outside of the Universe created the Universe, is the only reasonable option. Question. When we see a painting, what evidence do we need to establish that a “cause” - in this case a painter exists? Nothing else besides the painting itself. The painting is evidence that there is a “cause” - in this case a painter. We do not need to see the painter to know that he or she exists. The painting is all the evidence we need. The same is true with the Universe. The existence of the Universe itself provides us evidence of a “Cause.” This “Cause” could not be the Universe itself. This “Cause” must be powerful enough to bring into existence everything that makes up the Universe. There is only one “Cause” that powerful - God. It’s like we read in the Psalms, “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork.” (Psalm 19:1, NKJV)

Illustration - Design Demands A Designer - Isaac Newton & Atheist Friend. Sir Isaac Newton was a famous mathematician and scientist who had an atheistic friend who did not believe in God. Sir Isaac devised a plan to try to convince his friend that God did exist and had created the Universe. Sir Isaac had an accomplished artisan fashion for him a small-scale model of our solar system, which was to be put in a room in Newton's home when completed. The assignment was finished and installed on a large table. The workman had done a very commendable job, simulating not only the various sizes of the planets and their relative proximities, but also so constructing the model that everything rotated and orbited when a crank was turned. It was an interesting, even fascinating work, as you can imagine, particularly to anyone schooled in the sciences. Newton's atheist-scientist friend came by for a visit. Seeing the model, he was naturally intrigued, and proceeded to examine it with undisguised admiration for the high quality of the workmanship. “My, what an exquisite thing this is!” he exclaimed. “Who made it?” Paying little attention to him, Sir Isaac answered, “Nobody.” Stopping his inspection, the visitor turned and said, “Evidently you did not understand my question. I asked who made this.” 

Newton, enjoying himself immensely no doubt, replied in a still more serious tone, “Nobody. What you see just happened to assume the form it now has.” “You must think I am a fool!” the visitor retorted heatedly, “Of course somebody made it, and he is a genius, and I would like to know who he is!” Newton then spoke to his friend in a polite yet firm way: “This thing is but a puny imitation of a much grander system whose laws you know, and I am not able to convince you that this mere toy is without a designer or maker; yet you profess to believe that the great original from which the design is taken has come into being without either designer or maker! Now tell me by what sort of reasoning do you reach such an incongruous conclusion?”

1. Isaac Newton, (1643 – 1727)
2. Isaac Newton, Creation Wiki
3. Apologetics Press, Kyle Butt, M.A., 
Quoted from the book: The Truth: God or evolution? Marshall and Sandra Hall

Do explosions create or destroy? (Once again if you are an Evolutionist please explain were the stuff for a “Bang” came from if there was nothing to start with. Use examples of methods we see today - remember no supernatural methods are allowed.)
Just trust us, the Big Bang Happened (2:52)
Wretched, Todd Friel

How do some scientists come up with the age of the age of the Universe/Solar System? Many scientists say “billions” but how do they know for sure? (Is there a sign posted out somewhere in space with a date stamp on it?)

Many clock-like processes operating in the solar system and beyond indicate that the universe is young. For example, spiral galaxies should not exist if they are billions of years old. The stars near their centers rotate around the galactic cores faster than stars at the perimeters. If a cosmology based on long ages is correct, they should have blended into disk-shaped galaxies by now. Comets pose a similar problem. They lose material each time they pass around the sun. Why would they still exist after vast eons? Saturn’s rings still look new and shiny. And many planets and moons are very geologically active. Surely the energy they continually expend should have been spent long ago if they are as old as they are usually claimed to be.
Source: The Universe Was Created Recently, ICR, http://www.icr.org/recent-universe

“There are an increasing number of observational facts which are difficult to reconcile in the Big-Bang Hypothesis. The Big Bang establishment very seldom mentions these, and when non-believers try to draw attention to them, the powerful establishment refuses to discuss them in a fair way...” (Hannes Alfvén, PhD, Nobel prize for Physics in 1970) 
(Source: http://www.wasdarwinright.com/sciencequotes.htm)

Where can I learn more about the Universe & Solar System?

Is the Universe young? (0:43)
Dr. Jason Lisle

The Big Bang - Failed Predictions-Contradictions (00:58)
Creation Ministries International

Did The Universe Begin? (1:00)
One Minute Apologist, Andrew Murtagh

Our Young Universe (1:23)
That's A Fact, ICR

Origin of the Universe (2:51)
Randall Niles - Cosmogony
Just trust us, the Big Bang Happened (2:52)
Wretched - Todd Friel
Does the Big Bang Fit with the Bible? (4:06)
Dr. Jason Lisle

Cosmic Evolution (15:19)
Northwest Creation Network

Big Problems with the Big Bang Theory (30:22)
Dr. Jason Lisle
Our Solar System - Evidence of Creation (1:28:05)
Seattle Creation Conference, 2006

Created Cosmos (DVD)
Dr. Jason Lisle, CBD Stock No: WW309216, Christian Book Distributors (CBD)
140 Summit St., Peabody, MA 01960, 800-247-4784

How Great Is Our God (DVD)
Louie Giglio, Lecture/Talk, CBD Stock No: WW950454
Christian Book Distributors (CBD), 140 Summit St., Peabody, MA 01960, 800-247-4784

A Pocket Guide to Astronomy (Book)
What is the Biblical Perspective?
CBD Stock No: WW92302X, Christian Book Distributors (CBD)
140 Summit St., Peabody, MA 01960, 800-247-4784

Taking Back Astronomy (Book)
Dr. Jason Lisle, SKU: 10-2-252, Answers in Genesis
PO Box 510, Hebron, KY 41048, 800-778-3390

Was There Ever Nothing (Every Student)

Something (Every Student)

Who (Every Student)

Who 2 (Every Student)

Solar System (Creation Wiki)

Our Solar System Is Special (ICR)

Origin of the Solar System (AIG)

The Solar System Must Have Been Created (ICR)

Age of the Solar System (CMI)

Mature at Birth - Universe Discredits Evolution (ICR)