This section will explore answers to the following questions ...
• Does God mean what He says?
• What is God’s testimony about the “Week of Creation”?
• Was Creation 26-6?
• Where can I learn more about the “Creation Week”?
• Does God mean what He says? The Bible is actually God’s word. 2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:21, 1 Thessalonians 2:13. These verses among others claim that the Bible is God’s word. But how do we know that God’s word is true? Psalm 119:160, John 17:17, Proverbs 30:5, Ephesians 1:13, Colossians 1:5, Numbers 23:19 - just to name a few. These declare the word of God to be true, the word of truth, the sum of truth, the power of truth, and God cannot lie. Because of that the Apostle Paul declares we refuse to practice cunning or to tamper with God’s word. (2 Corinthians 4:2a - ESV) So, according to the Bible the Christian’s ultimate standard, God cannot lie, and the Bible is God’s word, and God’s word is truth, and ought not to be tampered with.
• Does God mean what He says?
• What is God’s testimony about the “Week of Creation”?
• Was Creation 26-6?
• Where can I learn more about the “Creation Week”?
• Does God mean what He says? The Bible is actually God’s word. 2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:21, 1 Thessalonians 2:13. These verses among others claim that the Bible is God’s word. But how do we know that God’s word is true? Psalm 119:160, John 17:17, Proverbs 30:5, Ephesians 1:13, Colossians 1:5, Numbers 23:19 - just to name a few. These declare the word of God to be true, the word of truth, the sum of truth, the power of truth, and God cannot lie. Because of that the Apostle Paul declares we refuse to practice cunning or to tamper with God’s word. (2 Corinthians 4:2a - ESV) So, according to the Bible the Christian’s ultimate standard, God cannot lie, and the Bible is God’s word, and God’s word is truth, and ought not to be tampered with.
Now let’s peek at some of the commandments in Exodus 20 to see if He (God) really meant what He said there. Don’t murder - pretty clear - probably meant that one. What about don’t lie? Pretty ironic to be lying about a commandment that forbids lying. Then there’s don’t covet, don’t commit adultery, don’t worship other God’s, honor Mom and Dad. Is there really any confusion about these? Sound like poetry to you? These are the Ten Commandments written directly by God. They aren’t the Ten Songs, Illustrations, or Ten Metaphors, okay? They’re obviously written at face value with clear meaning and purpose. Selah.
But what about other scripture didn’t directly write on special tablets? Well, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4, Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day in accordance with the scriptures.” Now, which part do you think God didn’t really mean? Which part should we discard because somebody says otherwise? Which part is just metaphysical? Metaphorical? Just a spiritual lesson? Let me go out on a limb and say, “none of it.” Because it’s all true historical stuff.
So what’s my point? What’s the big deal? Well it’s this. The same non-poetic, clear, historical, straight forward style, used to write the Ten Commandments, The Gospels, Paul’s Letters, and most of the other scripture is also used in Genesis 1 thru 11.
So what’s my point? What’s the big deal? Well it’s this. The same non-poetic, clear, historical, straight forward style, used to write the Ten Commandments, The Gospels, Paul’s Letters, and most of the other scripture is also used in Genesis 1 thru 11.
What’s the point? I’ll tell you. Some people (Christians too) think that section of scripture doesn’t mean what it says. I guess because some guys in lab coats told them that the Earth formed over billions of years, and what really happened is completely different than what the Bible teaches. Man’s fallible understanding - trumps God’s infallible word all of a sudden. So, I guess that God didn’t mean what He said when He had Moses write in the beginning God created the Heaven’s and the Earth, dot, dot, dot, and there was evening and there was morning in six days. Oh, six days. Now that’s the part God must not have meant.
Well, just in case you think that let’s shimmy slid over to the Ten Commandments, which we already established are something that God really meant and take a gander, Exodus 20:11, right dab in the middle of the 4th Commandment, it reads, “For in six days the Lord made Heaven and Earth, the sea and all that is in them.” There it is again, six days. So now what? Are you going to believe that God only meant 9 and ½ of the Ten Commandments?
Well, just in case you think that let’s shimmy slid over to the Ten Commandments, which we already established are something that God really meant and take a gander, Exodus 20:11, right dab in the middle of the 4th Commandment, it reads, “For in six days the Lord made Heaven and Earth, the sea and all that is in them.” There it is again, six days. So now what? Are you going to believe that God only meant 9 and ½ of the Ten Commandments?
Careful. Because Jesus said that if you believe Moses you’d believe me (John 5:46). So if you don’t believe God meant what He said in the first few chapters of Genesis, why believe the Ten Commandments? Or the words of Jesus? Or the Gospels? Or the words of Paul? And if you only believe some of it how do you know what to pick and chose? Tamper, Tamper, People.
Now let’s get to the Bread and Butter, here okay? God could have made the Heavens and the Earth over billions of years, or six seconds, or sixteen hours, or He could have done it by throwing happy dust around, or by pulling it out of a giant hat. But, since He cannot lie, and His word is true, He couldn’t have done it any other way than the way He said He did it. Make sense? So this idea that God didn’t mean what He said, especially when it comes to how and when He created everything has been debunked. Adios.
deBunked DVD and Study Guide
Product ID: 1387, Tomorrow's Forefathers, Inc.
PO Box 11451, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52410-1451
(319) 377-6728,
• What is God’s testimony about the “Week of Creation”? The creation account is found in Genesis 1–2. The language of the Genesis account makes it clear that all of creation was formed from nothing in six literal 24-hour periods with no time periods occurring between the days. This is evident because the context requires a literal 24-hour period. The description specifically describes the event in a manner that a normal, common-sense reading understands as a literal day: “And there was evening, and there was morning - the first day” (Genesis 1:5). The Genesis account reveals that the Word of God is authoritative and powerful. Most of God’s creative work is done by speaking, another indication of the power and authority of His Word. Let us look at each day of God’s creative work:
Creation Day 1 (Genesis 1:1-5) God created the heavens and the earth. “The heavens” refers to everything beyond the earth, outer space. The earth is made but not formed in any specific way, although water is present. God then speaks light into existence. He then separates the light from the dark and names the light “day” and the dark “night.” This creative work occurs from evening until morning – one day.
Creation Day 2 (Genesis 1:6-8)
God creates the sky. The sky forms a barrier between water upon the surface and the moisture in the air. At this point earth would have an atmosphere. This creative work occurs in one day.
Creation Day 3 (Genesis 1:9-13) God creates dry land. Continents and islands are above the water. The large bodies of water are named “seas” and the ground is named “land.” God declares that all this is good. God creates all plant life both large and small. He creates this life to be self-sustaining; plants have the ability to reproduce. The plants were created in great diversity (many “kinds”). The earth was green and teeming with plant life. God declares that this work is also good. This creative work takes one day.
Creation Day 4 (Genesis 1:14-19) God creates all the stars and heavenly bodies. The movement of these will help man track time. Two great heavenly bodies are made in relation to the earth. The first is the sun which is the primary source of light and the moon which reflects the light of the sun. The movement of these bodies will distinguish day from night. This work is also declared to be good by God. This creative work takes one day.
Creation Day 5 (Genesis 1:20-23)
God creates all life that lives in the water. Any life of any kind that lives in the water is made at this point. God also makes all the birds. The language allows that this may be the time God made flying insects as well (or, if not, they were made on day six). All of these creatures are made with the ability to perpetuate their species by reproduction. The creatures made on Day 5 are the first creatures blessed by God. God declares this work good, and it occurs in one day.
Creation Day 6 (Genesis 1:24-31) God creates all the creatures that live on dry land. This includes every type of creature not included on previous days and man. God declares this work good. God then takes counsel with Himself, “God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness’” (Genesis 1:26). This is not an explicit revelation of the trinity but is part of the foundation for such, as God reveals an “us” within the Godhead. God makes man, and man is made in the image of God (men and women both bear this image) and is special above all other creatures. To emphasize this, God places man in authority over the earth and over all the other creatures. God blesses man and commands him to reproduce, fill the earth and subdue it (bring it under the rightful stewardship of man as authorized by God). God announces that man and all other creatures are to eat plants alone. God will not rescind this dietary restriction until Genesis 9:3-4. God’s creative work is complete at the end of the sixth day. The entire universe in all its beauty and perfection was fully formed in six literal, consecutive, 24-hour days. At the completion of His creation, God announces that it is very good.
Creation Day 7 (Genesis 2:1-3) God rests. This in no way indicates He was weary from His creative efforts, but denotes that the creation is complete. Further, God is establishing a pattern of one day in seven to rest. The keeping of this day will eventually be a distinguishing trait of the God’s chosen people (Exodus 20:8-11).
Source: What happened on each of the days of Creation? Got Questions Ministries
• Was Creation 26-6? The language of Genesis chapters 1 and 2 are technically precise and linguistically clear. Any reader would understand that the author of those pages intended to convey a normal six-day creation, involving God’s supernatural intervention both to create (something from nothing) and to make and shape (something basic into something more complex). Three days (Day 1, Day 5, and Day 6) involve creation. Three days (Day 2, Day 3, and Day 4) involve the organization, integration, and structuring of the material created on Day 1. Life was created on Day 5, a life in which all animals and man share. A special image of God was created on Day 6 that only man has. The movement from “simple to complex” may appear to follow evolution’s theory, but the specific order (water > land > plants > stellar and planetary bodies > birds and fish > land animals > man) most emphatically does not. The Hebrew word for day (yom) is used some 3,000 times in the Hebrew Bible, and is almost always used to mean an ordinary 24-hour day-night cycle. On the few occasions where it is used to mean an indeterminate period of time, it is always clear from the context that it means something other than a 24-hour day (day of trouble, day of the Lord, day of battle, etc). Whenever it is used with an ordinal (1, 2, 1st, 2nd, etc.), it always means a specific day, an ordinary24-hour day.
Now let’s get to the Bread and Butter, here okay? God could have made the Heavens and the Earth over billions of years, or six seconds, or sixteen hours, or He could have done it by throwing happy dust around, or by pulling it out of a giant hat. But, since He cannot lie, and His word is true, He couldn’t have done it any other way than the way He said He did it. Make sense? So this idea that God didn’t mean what He said, especially when it comes to how and when He created everything has been debunked. Adios.
deBunked DVD and Study Guide
Product ID: 1387, Tomorrow's Forefathers, Inc.
PO Box 11451, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52410-1451
(319) 377-6728,
• What is God’s testimony about the “Week of Creation”? The creation account is found in Genesis 1–2. The language of the Genesis account makes it clear that all of creation was formed from nothing in six literal 24-hour periods with no time periods occurring between the days. This is evident because the context requires a literal 24-hour period. The description specifically describes the event in a manner that a normal, common-sense reading understands as a literal day: “And there was evening, and there was morning - the first day” (Genesis 1:5). The Genesis account reveals that the Word of God is authoritative and powerful. Most of God’s creative work is done by speaking, another indication of the power and authority of His Word. Let us look at each day of God’s creative work:
Creation Day 1 (Genesis 1:1-5) God created the heavens and the earth. “The heavens” refers to everything beyond the earth, outer space. The earth is made but not formed in any specific way, although water is present. God then speaks light into existence. He then separates the light from the dark and names the light “day” and the dark “night.” This creative work occurs from evening until morning – one day.
Creation Day 2 (Genesis 1:6-8)
God creates the sky. The sky forms a barrier between water upon the surface and the moisture in the air. At this point earth would have an atmosphere. This creative work occurs in one day.
Creation Day 3 (Genesis 1:9-13) God creates dry land. Continents and islands are above the water. The large bodies of water are named “seas” and the ground is named “land.” God declares that all this is good. God creates all plant life both large and small. He creates this life to be self-sustaining; plants have the ability to reproduce. The plants were created in great diversity (many “kinds”). The earth was green and teeming with plant life. God declares that this work is also good. This creative work takes one day.
Creation Day 4 (Genesis 1:14-19) God creates all the stars and heavenly bodies. The movement of these will help man track time. Two great heavenly bodies are made in relation to the earth. The first is the sun which is the primary source of light and the moon which reflects the light of the sun. The movement of these bodies will distinguish day from night. This work is also declared to be good by God. This creative work takes one day.
Creation Day 5 (Genesis 1:20-23)
God creates all life that lives in the water. Any life of any kind that lives in the water is made at this point. God also makes all the birds. The language allows that this may be the time God made flying insects as well (or, if not, they were made on day six). All of these creatures are made with the ability to perpetuate their species by reproduction. The creatures made on Day 5 are the first creatures blessed by God. God declares this work good, and it occurs in one day.
Creation Day 6 (Genesis 1:24-31) God creates all the creatures that live on dry land. This includes every type of creature not included on previous days and man. God declares this work good. God then takes counsel with Himself, “God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness’” (Genesis 1:26). This is not an explicit revelation of the trinity but is part of the foundation for such, as God reveals an “us” within the Godhead. God makes man, and man is made in the image of God (men and women both bear this image) and is special above all other creatures. To emphasize this, God places man in authority over the earth and over all the other creatures. God blesses man and commands him to reproduce, fill the earth and subdue it (bring it under the rightful stewardship of man as authorized by God). God announces that man and all other creatures are to eat plants alone. God will not rescind this dietary restriction until Genesis 9:3-4. God’s creative work is complete at the end of the sixth day. The entire universe in all its beauty and perfection was fully formed in six literal, consecutive, 24-hour days. At the completion of His creation, God announces that it is very good.
Creation Day 7 (Genesis 2:1-3) God rests. This in no way indicates He was weary from His creative efforts, but denotes that the creation is complete. Further, God is establishing a pattern of one day in seven to rest. The keeping of this day will eventually be a distinguishing trait of the God’s chosen people (Exodus 20:8-11).
Source: What happened on each of the days of Creation? Got Questions Ministries
• Was Creation 26-6? The language of Genesis chapters 1 and 2 are technically precise and linguistically clear. Any reader would understand that the author of those pages intended to convey a normal six-day creation, involving God’s supernatural intervention both to create (something from nothing) and to make and shape (something basic into something more complex). Three days (Day 1, Day 5, and Day 6) involve creation. Three days (Day 2, Day 3, and Day 4) involve the organization, integration, and structuring of the material created on Day 1. Life was created on Day 5, a life in which all animals and man share. A special image of God was created on Day 6 that only man has. The movement from “simple to complex” may appear to follow evolution’s theory, but the specific order (water > land > plants > stellar and planetary bodies > birds and fish > land animals > man) most emphatically does not. The Hebrew word for day (yom) is used some 3,000 times in the Hebrew Bible, and is almost always used to mean an ordinary 24-hour day-night cycle. On the few occasions where it is used to mean an indeterminate period of time, it is always clear from the context that it means something other than a 24-hour day (day of trouble, day of the Lord, day of battle, etc). Whenever it is used with an ordinal (1, 2, 1st, 2nd, etc.), it always means a specific day, an ordinary24-hour day.
The language of Genesis 1 appears to have been crafted so that no reader would mistake the word use for anything other than an ordinary 24-hour day. The light portion is named “day,” and the dark portion is named “night.” Then the “evening and the morning” is Day 1, Day 2, etc. The linguistic formula is repeated for each of the six days, a strange emphasis if the words were to be taken as allegorical or analogous to something other than a day-night cycle. When God wrote the Ten Commandments with His own finger (certainly the most emphatic action ever taken by God on behalf of His revealed Word), God specifically designated a seventh day to be a “Sabbath” day (rest day) in memory and in honor of the work-six-days, rest-one-day activity of God during the creation week (Exodus 20:11). In that context, spoken and written by God Himself, the creation week can mean only a regular week of seven days, one of which is set aside as holy.
• Where can I learn more about the “Creation Week”? Read the Genesis account for yourself. Pay particular attention to what was created on what day.
A link to Genesis (NIV translation) is provided here:
Got Questions about Creation?
Genesis 1, Days of Creation (3:26)
Creation for Kids
Days of Creation (6:36)
AIG, Genesis Days
Day in Genesis 1 - Easy to Understand (28:18)
CMI - Genesis Unleashed
Refuting Compromise (1:19:01)
Dr. Jonathan Sarfati
(Bible teaches 6-day Creation)
Days 1-7 - Updated (Booklet)
CMI, Product Code: 10-1-604
Creation Ministries International (US)
PO Box 350, Powder Springs, GA 30127
(800) 616-1264,
A Pocket Guide To Six Days (Book)
CBD Stock No: WW929947, Christian Book Distributors (CBD)
140 Summit St., Peabody, MA 01960, 800-247-4784