This section will explore answers to the following questions ...
• Are we Fearfully and Wonderfully Made - or an Accident?
• What are some Amazing Human Body Facts?
• Is Your Brain Designed?
• Does the Human Body Show Evidence of Design?
• Our Mathematical Body
• Mt. Rushmore and the Human Body
• Is there Evidence that the Human Body is not the Result of Darwinian Evolution?
(Descent with Modification?)
• Are Supposed Vestigial Organs Evidence for Human Evolution?
• Where can I learn more about the Human Body?
• Are we Fearfully and Wonderfully Made - or an Accident? Psalm 139:14, “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well.” (NKJV)
• What are some Amazing Human Body Facts?
Here's some crazy and amazing facts about your body for you to mull over. In one day, a human sheds 10 billion skin flakes. This amounts to approximately two kilograms in a year. Every square inch of the human body has about 19,000,000 (19 million) skin cells. Every hour 1,000,000,000 (1 billion) cells in the body must be replaced. The human body has approximately 37,000 miles of capillaries. The human brain has about 100,000,000,000 (100 billion) neurons. Two million red blood cells die every second. There are approximately 100,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body. Each day 400 gallons of recycled blood are pumped through the kidneys. The average life span of a single red blood cell is 120 days. Your femur (thigh bone) is stronger than concrete. When you are developing inside the womb, 1 million optic nerves started moving out from the brain towards where your eyes would be. At the same time, another 1 million optic nerves moved from where the eye would be, back towards the brain. All these optic nerves must match up EXACTLY, nerve #1 must meet nerve #1, nerve #605 must meet nerve #605 and nerve # 934,051 must meet nerve #934,051! If this doesn't happen, the eyes will not work. Your body is made up of 75,000,000,000,000 (75 trillion) cells. Of those, 25,000,000,000,000 (25 trillion) are red blood cells. In the time it took you to read those two sentences, you lost and replaced about 100,000 cells. You have 25,000,000,000 (25 billion) white blood cells. They only live for 12 hours. Every one of your 75 trillion cells contains 50 billion atoms. Those 50 billion atoms make up hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of proteins. Every one of those proteins is made up of thousands of amino acids, set in a molecular chain. If ONE amino acid (out of several thousand) is out of place in that molecular chain, the protein shuts down. If ONE protein out of the thousands in the cell shuts down, the whole cell shuts down. There are 120,000,000 (120 million) rods and cones in the retina of each human eye. Your lungs, if laid out flat, would cover a tennis court. You have 20 square feet of skin on your body. This is entirely replaced every few weeks. In every inch of that 20 sq. feet of skin, you have 1,300 nerve endings, 100 sweat glands, 1,000,000 (3 million) cells and 10 feet of blood vessels.
• Is Your Brain Designed?
Inside your head is an organ that weighs about 3 pounds. Doctors who operate on this organ say that it feels like unbaked bread dough when you touch it or hold it in your hands. But this “doughy” organ we call the brain certainly is not a loaf of bread. On the contrary, it is the most complex “computer” the world has ever known. The brain is composed of over 10 trillion different cells. These cells work together to send electrical impulses at a rate of 273 miles per hour (393 feet per second). Nerve cells in the body send 2,000 impulses to the brain every second. These impulses come from 130,000 light receptors in the eye, 100,000 hearing receptors in the ears, 3,000 taste buds, and over 500,000 touch spots. As this is happening, the brain does not move, yet it consumes over 25% of the body’s oxygen and receives 20% of all the blood that is pumped from the heart (which is pretty amazing, considering that the brain makes up only about 2% of the body weight of an average man). And if all these “brainy” abilities don’t impress you, consider that the brain serves as the “doctor” for the rest of the body. It produces more than 50 drugs, ranging from painkillers (like endorphin) to antidepressant drugs (like serotonin). In addition, the brain allows you to remember words, smells, pictures, and colors. In fact, the brain is so good at allowing a person to remember information, it has been estimated that it would require 500 sets of encyclopedias to hold the information found in the brain. Let’s be honest; if we were walking through the forest one day and found a laptop computer that weighed less than three pounds and yet could perform more complex tasks than any computer on the market, would we say it “just happened by accident?” If we use our brains, we can see that the design found in the brain demands an intelligent Designer.
(Source: Apologetics Press, Kyle Butt, M.A.,
• Does the Human Body Show Evidence of Design?
The body is indeed a marvelous testimony to an intelligent designer. It has an amazingly complex nervous system, cardiovascular system, reproductive capability, skeletal system, muscle system, digestive system, ability to heal itself and fight off diseases. It is difficult to believe that the human body could have come into existence by some mindless process apart from an incredibly intelligent designer, even given millions of years. Illustration. You could leave the barren side of a mountain exposed to wind, rain, the forces of nature, chance and millions of years of time and you would never get a Mt. Rushmore, let alone a living, breathing human being. Why? It takes intelligence. You need intelligent intervention. It would take great intelligence to create a robot that operates like a human, and it would take even greater intelligence to create a real human being. No one alive today would believe that the faces of Mt. Rushmore came about by millions of year of erosion, wind, rain and undirected random acts. And yet some people believe that real-life human beings with 206 bones, 640 muscles and hearts that beat over 100,000 times a day, are the product of a mindless, random series of accidents. This is foolish. The Psalmist was right when he said, "The fool has said in his heart there is no God.”
(Source: ABR, The Human Body, A Marvelous Testimony to an Intelligent Designer,
• Our Mathematical Body
What is at the root of that harmonious order which makes things pleasant to look at and listen to? Philosophers have wondered about this for ages and have discovered that nature is full of a very pleasant beauty and harmony tied together by a mathematical order. The ancient Greek mathematician Euclid, founder of geometry, proposed what later became known as the “Golden Mean”, or the “Golden Ratio”, and still later as the “Divine Proportion”. The Golden Ratio and related number series is found throughout nature and occurs as a recurrent theme for design and beauty. Indeed, the Golden Ratio appears to be part of God’s signature on His handiwork, especially in mankind. Human proportions in particular seem “coincidentally” based on the Golden Ratio, resultant Golden Spiral (curves) and the related Fibonacci Series. The ratio of head height to width, outside corners of the eyes to mouth width, mouth width to nose width, chin to eyebrows vs. eyebrows to the top of the head are all essentially Golden Ratios. A human ear, for example, is essentially a Golden Spiral. The human hand itself is a particularly good example - 2 hands each with 5 fingers, from the wrist outward there are 3 knuckles for each finger and 2 for the thumb, with the bone length leading up to each knuckle in a Divine Proportion to the bone length leading from that knuckle. Furthermore, hand length to hand width is also an approximate Divine Proportion. Thus, there may well be deeper meaning to the biblical phrase “holy hands.”. The amazing beauty and intricacies of Creation should indeed remind us of God. “For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen…” (Romans 1:20). Even the power and the marvel of mathematics applied to our physical world is astonishing and should remind us of our Maker. That’s because the living Word (Logos - the expression of thought) made all things (John 1:1-3).
(Adapted from “Mathematical Expression of Ordered Elegance”, Creation Moments, Mark Cadwallader
• Mt. Rushmore and the Human Body
No one would believe that the faces of Mt. Rushmore came about by millions of years of erosion, wind, rain and undirected random acts. We could leave the barren side of a mountain exposed to wind, rain, the forces of nature, chance and millions of years of time and we would never get a Mt. Rushmore. And yet some people believe that real-life human beings with 206 bones, 640 muscles and hearts that beat over 100,000 times a day, are the product of a mindless, random series of accidents. Really? We all start out as a single cell. That single cell contains the digital code to make thousands of other kinds of cells, from fat cells to bone cells - from brain cells to lung cells. A fertilized human egg at the moment of conception is no bigger than a pinhead but it contains information equivalent to 6 billion “chemical letters.” That's enough complex code to fill 1,000 books, 500 pages thick with print so small that it would take a microscope to read it. Through the marvel of DNA, every single human trait is established at the moment of conception. Within hours, that single cell starts reproducing and grows a cilia propulsion system to move the fertilized egg (now called a “zygote”) towards the uterus. Within six days, the original cell (now called an “embryo”) has reproduced its library of information over 100 times. Ultimately, it will divide into the 30 trillion cells that make up the human body. At that point, if all the DNA chemical “letters” were printed in books, it's estimated those books would fill the Grand Canyon - fifty times. The body is indeed a marvelous testimony to an Intelligent Designer. It is difficult to believe that the human body could have come into existence by some mindless process (over millions of years) instead of an incredibly Intelligent Designer.
• Conception to Birth
• Are we Fearfully and Wonderfully Made - or an Accident?
• What are some Amazing Human Body Facts?
• Is Your Brain Designed?
• Does the Human Body Show Evidence of Design?
• Our Mathematical Body
• Mt. Rushmore and the Human Body
• Is there Evidence that the Human Body is not the Result of Darwinian Evolution?
(Descent with Modification?)
• Are Supposed Vestigial Organs Evidence for Human Evolution?
• Where can I learn more about the Human Body?
• Are we Fearfully and Wonderfully Made - or an Accident? Psalm 139:14, “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well.” (NKJV)
• What are some Amazing Human Body Facts?
Here's some crazy and amazing facts about your body for you to mull over. In one day, a human sheds 10 billion skin flakes. This amounts to approximately two kilograms in a year. Every square inch of the human body has about 19,000,000 (19 million) skin cells. Every hour 1,000,000,000 (1 billion) cells in the body must be replaced. The human body has approximately 37,000 miles of capillaries. The human brain has about 100,000,000,000 (100 billion) neurons. Two million red blood cells die every second. There are approximately 100,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body. Each day 400 gallons of recycled blood are pumped through the kidneys. The average life span of a single red blood cell is 120 days. Your femur (thigh bone) is stronger than concrete. When you are developing inside the womb, 1 million optic nerves started moving out from the brain towards where your eyes would be. At the same time, another 1 million optic nerves moved from where the eye would be, back towards the brain. All these optic nerves must match up EXACTLY, nerve #1 must meet nerve #1, nerve #605 must meet nerve #605 and nerve # 934,051 must meet nerve #934,051! If this doesn't happen, the eyes will not work. Your body is made up of 75,000,000,000,000 (75 trillion) cells. Of those, 25,000,000,000,000 (25 trillion) are red blood cells. In the time it took you to read those two sentences, you lost and replaced about 100,000 cells. You have 25,000,000,000 (25 billion) white blood cells. They only live for 12 hours. Every one of your 75 trillion cells contains 50 billion atoms. Those 50 billion atoms make up hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of proteins. Every one of those proteins is made up of thousands of amino acids, set in a molecular chain. If ONE amino acid (out of several thousand) is out of place in that molecular chain, the protein shuts down. If ONE protein out of the thousands in the cell shuts down, the whole cell shuts down. There are 120,000,000 (120 million) rods and cones in the retina of each human eye. Your lungs, if laid out flat, would cover a tennis court. You have 20 square feet of skin on your body. This is entirely replaced every few weeks. In every inch of that 20 sq. feet of skin, you have 1,300 nerve endings, 100 sweat glands, 1,000,000 (3 million) cells and 10 feet of blood vessels.
• Is Your Brain Designed?
Inside your head is an organ that weighs about 3 pounds. Doctors who operate on this organ say that it feels like unbaked bread dough when you touch it or hold it in your hands. But this “doughy” organ we call the brain certainly is not a loaf of bread. On the contrary, it is the most complex “computer” the world has ever known. The brain is composed of over 10 trillion different cells. These cells work together to send electrical impulses at a rate of 273 miles per hour (393 feet per second). Nerve cells in the body send 2,000 impulses to the brain every second. These impulses come from 130,000 light receptors in the eye, 100,000 hearing receptors in the ears, 3,000 taste buds, and over 500,000 touch spots. As this is happening, the brain does not move, yet it consumes over 25% of the body’s oxygen and receives 20% of all the blood that is pumped from the heart (which is pretty amazing, considering that the brain makes up only about 2% of the body weight of an average man). And if all these “brainy” abilities don’t impress you, consider that the brain serves as the “doctor” for the rest of the body. It produces more than 50 drugs, ranging from painkillers (like endorphin) to antidepressant drugs (like serotonin). In addition, the brain allows you to remember words, smells, pictures, and colors. In fact, the brain is so good at allowing a person to remember information, it has been estimated that it would require 500 sets of encyclopedias to hold the information found in the brain. Let’s be honest; if we were walking through the forest one day and found a laptop computer that weighed less than three pounds and yet could perform more complex tasks than any computer on the market, would we say it “just happened by accident?” If we use our brains, we can see that the design found in the brain demands an intelligent Designer.
(Source: Apologetics Press, Kyle Butt, M.A.,
• Does the Human Body Show Evidence of Design?
The body is indeed a marvelous testimony to an intelligent designer. It has an amazingly complex nervous system, cardiovascular system, reproductive capability, skeletal system, muscle system, digestive system, ability to heal itself and fight off diseases. It is difficult to believe that the human body could have come into existence by some mindless process apart from an incredibly intelligent designer, even given millions of years. Illustration. You could leave the barren side of a mountain exposed to wind, rain, the forces of nature, chance and millions of years of time and you would never get a Mt. Rushmore, let alone a living, breathing human being. Why? It takes intelligence. You need intelligent intervention. It would take great intelligence to create a robot that operates like a human, and it would take even greater intelligence to create a real human being. No one alive today would believe that the faces of Mt. Rushmore came about by millions of year of erosion, wind, rain and undirected random acts. And yet some people believe that real-life human beings with 206 bones, 640 muscles and hearts that beat over 100,000 times a day, are the product of a mindless, random series of accidents. This is foolish. The Psalmist was right when he said, "The fool has said in his heart there is no God.”
(Source: ABR, The Human Body, A Marvelous Testimony to an Intelligent Designer,
• Our Mathematical Body
What is at the root of that harmonious order which makes things pleasant to look at and listen to? Philosophers have wondered about this for ages and have discovered that nature is full of a very pleasant beauty and harmony tied together by a mathematical order. The ancient Greek mathematician Euclid, founder of geometry, proposed what later became known as the “Golden Mean”, or the “Golden Ratio”, and still later as the “Divine Proportion”. The Golden Ratio and related number series is found throughout nature and occurs as a recurrent theme for design and beauty. Indeed, the Golden Ratio appears to be part of God’s signature on His handiwork, especially in mankind. Human proportions in particular seem “coincidentally” based on the Golden Ratio, resultant Golden Spiral (curves) and the related Fibonacci Series. The ratio of head height to width, outside corners of the eyes to mouth width, mouth width to nose width, chin to eyebrows vs. eyebrows to the top of the head are all essentially Golden Ratios. A human ear, for example, is essentially a Golden Spiral. The human hand itself is a particularly good example - 2 hands each with 5 fingers, from the wrist outward there are 3 knuckles for each finger and 2 for the thumb, with the bone length leading up to each knuckle in a Divine Proportion to the bone length leading from that knuckle. Furthermore, hand length to hand width is also an approximate Divine Proportion. Thus, there may well be deeper meaning to the biblical phrase “holy hands.”. The amazing beauty and intricacies of Creation should indeed remind us of God. “For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen…” (Romans 1:20). Even the power and the marvel of mathematics applied to our physical world is astonishing and should remind us of our Maker. That’s because the living Word (Logos - the expression of thought) made all things (John 1:1-3).
(Adapted from “Mathematical Expression of Ordered Elegance”, Creation Moments, Mark Cadwallader
• Mt. Rushmore and the Human Body
No one would believe that the faces of Mt. Rushmore came about by millions of years of erosion, wind, rain and undirected random acts. We could leave the barren side of a mountain exposed to wind, rain, the forces of nature, chance and millions of years of time and we would never get a Mt. Rushmore. And yet some people believe that real-life human beings with 206 bones, 640 muscles and hearts that beat over 100,000 times a day, are the product of a mindless, random series of accidents. Really? We all start out as a single cell. That single cell contains the digital code to make thousands of other kinds of cells, from fat cells to bone cells - from brain cells to lung cells. A fertilized human egg at the moment of conception is no bigger than a pinhead but it contains information equivalent to 6 billion “chemical letters.” That's enough complex code to fill 1,000 books, 500 pages thick with print so small that it would take a microscope to read it. Through the marvel of DNA, every single human trait is established at the moment of conception. Within hours, that single cell starts reproducing and grows a cilia propulsion system to move the fertilized egg (now called a “zygote”) towards the uterus. Within six days, the original cell (now called an “embryo”) has reproduced its library of information over 100 times. Ultimately, it will divide into the 30 trillion cells that make up the human body. At that point, if all the DNA chemical “letters” were printed in books, it's estimated those books would fill the Grand Canyon - fifty times. The body is indeed a marvelous testimony to an Intelligent Designer. It is difficult to believe that the human body could have come into existence by some mindless process (over millions of years) instead of an incredibly Intelligent Designer.
• Conception to Birth
• Is there Evidence that the Human Body is not the Result of Darwinian Evolution? (Descent with Modification?) In a recent paper titled "Dissecting Darwinism," Baylor University Medical Center surgeon Joseph Kuhn described serious problems with Darwinian evolution.1 He first described how life could not possibly have come from chemicals alone, since the information residing in DNA required an input from outside of nature. 2 He then addressed Darwinism's inability to account for the all-or-nothing structure of cellular systems, including the human body. As a medical doctor, Kuhn not only knows the general arrangement of the human body's visible parts, he also understands the interrelated biochemical systems that sustain and regulate all of those parts. He recognized that the human body contains an all-or-nothing system in which its core parts and biochemicals must exist all at once for the body to function. Biochemist Michael Behe named these all-or-nothing systems "irreducibly complex."3 Removing a single core part from one of these systems keeps the entire system from working, and this implies that the system was initially built with all of its parts intact. This is exactly what researchers expect to see if God purposely created living systems, rather than if natural processes accidentally built living systems bit-by-bit - as Darwinian philosophy maintains. Kuhn cited the work of another medical doctor, Geoffrey Simmons, who described 17 "all or nothing" human body systems.4 These combine with many others to form the entire human body - a system of systems - that is irreducible at many levels, from gross anatomy to biochemistry. For example, just as a woman would die without her heart, she would also die without the vital blood biochemical hemoglobin. But even an intact heart and hemoglobin need regulation. A heart that beats too fast or too slow can be just as lethal as having no heart, and a body that produces too much or too little hemoglobin can be equally unhealthy. Thus, the systems that regulate heartbeats and hemoglobin must also have been present from the beginning. Kuhn wrote that "virtually every aspect of human physiology has regulatory elements, feedback loops, and developmental components that require thousands of interacting genes leading to specified protein expression." Thus, "the human body represents an irreducibly complex system on a cellular and an organ/system basis." 1 Evolution has no proven explanations for the origin of just one irreducibly complex system, let alone the interdependent web of irreducible systems that comprise the human body. Could the human body have evolved? According to Kuhn, to change another creature into a human "would require far more than could be expected from random mutation and natural selection."1 However, a wonderfully constructed human body is exactly what an all-wise Creator would make, and He promised that those who trust in Him will one day inherit new bodies "that fadeth not away."5
(Source: Surgeon Says Human Body Did Not Evolve, ICR, Brian Thomas
1. Kuhn, J. A. 2012. Dissecting Darwinism. Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings. 25 (1): 41-47.
2. See Thomas, B. Baylor Surgeon 'Dissects' Darwinism. ICR News. Posted on February 3, 2012, accessed February 3, 2012.
3. Behe, M. 1996. Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution. New York: Free Press, 42.
4. Simmons, G. and W. Dembski. 2004. What Darwin Didn't Know: A Doctor Dissects the Theory of Evolution. Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers.
5. 1 Peter 1:4.
• Are Supposed Vestigial Organs Evidence for Human Evolution? No. Scientists may not know what the function is but that doesn’t mean there isn’t one.
• Is there Evidence that the Human Body is not the Result of Darwinian Evolution? (Descent with Modification?) In a recent paper titled "Dissecting Darwinism," Baylor University Medical Center surgeon Joseph Kuhn described serious problems with Darwinian evolution.1 He first described how life could not possibly have come from chemicals alone, since the information residing in DNA required an input from outside of nature. 2 He then addressed Darwinism's inability to account for the all-or-nothing structure of cellular systems, including the human body. As a medical doctor, Kuhn not only knows the general arrangement of the human body's visible parts, he also understands the interrelated biochemical systems that sustain and regulate all of those parts. He recognized that the human body contains an all-or-nothing system in which its core parts and biochemicals must exist all at once for the body to function. Biochemist Michael Behe named these all-or-nothing systems "irreducibly complex."3 Removing a single core part from one of these systems keeps the entire system from working, and this implies that the system was initially built with all of its parts intact. This is exactly what researchers expect to see if God purposely created living systems, rather than if natural processes accidentally built living systems bit-by-bit - as Darwinian philosophy maintains. Kuhn cited the work of another medical doctor, Geoffrey Simmons, who described 17 "all or nothing" human body systems.4 These combine with many others to form the entire human body - a system of systems - that is irreducible at many levels, from gross anatomy to biochemistry. For example, just as a woman would die without her heart, she would also die without the vital blood biochemical hemoglobin. But even an intact heart and hemoglobin need regulation. A heart that beats too fast or too slow can be just as lethal as having no heart, and a body that produces too much or too little hemoglobin can be equally unhealthy. Thus, the systems that regulate heartbeats and hemoglobin must also have been present from the beginning. Kuhn wrote that "virtually every aspect of human physiology has regulatory elements, feedback loops, and developmental components that require thousands of interacting genes leading to specified protein expression." Thus, "the human body represents an irreducibly complex system on a cellular and an organ/system basis." 1 Evolution has no proven explanations for the origin of just one irreducibly complex system, let alone the interdependent web of irreducible systems that comprise the human body. Could the human body have evolved? According to Kuhn, to change another creature into a human "would require far more than could be expected from random mutation and natural selection."1 However, a wonderfully constructed human body is exactly what an all-wise Creator would make, and He promised that those who trust in Him will one day inherit new bodies "that fadeth not away."5
(Source: Surgeon Says Human Body Did Not Evolve, ICR, Brian Thomas
1. Kuhn, J. A. 2012. Dissecting Darwinism. Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings. 25 (1): 41-47.
2. See Thomas, B. Baylor Surgeon 'Dissects' Darwinism. ICR News. Posted on February 3, 2012, accessed February 3, 2012.
3. Behe, M. 1996. Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution. New York: Free Press, 42.
4. Simmons, G. and W. Dembski. 2004. What Darwin Didn't Know: A Doctor Dissects the Theory of Evolution. Eugene, OR: Harvest House Publishers.
5. 1 Peter 1:4.
• Are Supposed Vestigial Organs Evidence for Human Evolution? No. Scientists may not know what the function is but that doesn’t mean there isn’t one.
What are Vestigial Organs?(
Creation Wiki
Vestigial Organs - Evidence for Evolution?
AIG, Dr. David Menton on July 7, 2014
Do Any Vestigial Organs Exist in Humans?
AIG, Dr. Jerry Bergman
• Where can I learn more about the Human Body?
The Human Body (00:47)
AIG, Dr. David Menton on July 7, 2014
Do Any Vestigial Organs Exist in Humans?
AIG, Dr. Jerry Bergman
• Where can I learn more about the Human Body?
The Human Body (00:47)
Made in His Image (00:42)
Dr. David Menton on Wonders of the Body (26:17)
Made in His Image Articles Page (ICR) Body (Grades 1 to 4 - Book)
CBD Stock No: WW826211, Christian Book Distributors (CBD),
140 Summit St., Peabody, MA 01960
Made in His Image Articles Page (ICR) Body (Grades 1 to 4 - Book)
CBD Stock No: WW826211, Christian Book Distributors (CBD),
140 Summit St., Peabody, MA 01960
The Human Body (Teacher and Student Pack)
Debbie Lawrence and Richard Lawrence, Format: Curriculum Kit
Technicality: Children, Grade: 1 – 8, SKU: 40-1-349, Answers in Genesis
PO Box 510, Hebron, KY 41048, 800.778.3390
Debbie Lawrence and Richard Lawrence, Format: Curriculum Kit
Technicality: Children, Grade: 1 – 8, SKU: 40-1-349, Answers in Genesis
PO Box 510, Hebron, KY 41048, 800.778.3390
A Pocket Guide to the Human Body (Book)
CBD Stock No: WW924217, Christian Book Distributors (CBD)
140 Summit St., Peabody, MA 01960
CBD Stock No: WW924217, Christian Book Distributors (CBD)
140 Summit St., Peabody, MA 01960
Made in His Image (Book)
Item Number: BMIHI1, Dr. Randy J. Guliuzza
Institute for Creation Research, P. O. Box 59029, Dallas, Texas 75229, 800.337.0375
Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy-Physiology
Apologia, CBD Stock No: WW337015, Christian Book Distributors (CBD),
140 Summit St., Peabody, MA 01960
140 Summit St., Peabody, MA 01960